Publications by Type: Conference Proceedings

D. G. Schmitz, R. W. Nuckols, S. Lee, B. T. Quinlivan, C. J. Walsh, and D. G. Thelen, “Investigating Changes in Achilles Tendon Load During Walking with Exosuit Assistance.he 27th Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB). 2019. PDF
L. Baker, et al., “Ankle Optimization with a Soft Exosuit Reduces Metabolic Cost of Loaded Walking,” International Symposium on Wearable Robotics (WeRob). 2017. PDF
D. Choe, J. Kim, G. Lee, N. Karavas, N. Menard, and C. Walsh, “Autonomous soft exosuit with hip extension assistance for overground walking and jogging,” International Symposium on Wearable Robotics (WeRob). 2017. PDF
F. Z. Temel, et al., “Pop-up-inspired design of a septal anchor for a ventricular assist device,” ASME Design of Medical Devices Conference. 2017. PDF
D. Van Story, et al., “Approaches to Real-Time Ventricular Wall Strain Measurement for the Control of Soft Robotic Ventricular Assist Devices,” The 9th Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics. 2017. PDF
J. Bae, et al., “Exosuit-induced improvements in walking after stroke: comprehensive analysis on gait energetics and biomechanics,” International Symposium on Wearable Robotics (WeRob). 2017. PDF
L. N. Awad, et al., “Soft Exosuits Increase Walking Speed and Distance after Stroke,” International Symposium on Wearable Robotics (WeRob). 2017. PDF
L. N. Awad, et al., “Soft Wearable Robots Can Increase Walking Speed and Distance After Stroke: Proof of Concept,” Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA CSM). 2017. PDF
C. J. Payne, et al., “Wearable Soft Robotic Device Supports the Failing Heart In Vivo,” The 9th Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics. 2017. PDF
M. B. Yandell, B. T. Quinlivan, D. Popov, C. J. Walsh, and K. E. Zelik, “Human-Exosuit Interfaces Absorb and Return Energy, Reshaping Exosuit to Human Power Flow,” 41st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics (ASB). 2017. Abstract Poster
P. Malcolm, et al., “Effect of slope and speed on kinetics of jogging with a backpack,” 41st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics (ASB). 2017. PDF
W. Bowers, et al., “Effect of powered exosuit training on impulse during gait,” 41st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics (ASB). 2017. PDF
L. Sloot, et al., “Unilateral ankle assisting soft robotic exosuit can improve post-stroke gait during overground walking,” 41st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics (ASB). 2017. PDF
P. Kudzia, et al., “A uni-lateral soft exosuit for the paretic ankle can reduce gait compensations in patients post-stroke,” 41st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics (ASB). 2017. Abstract Poster
M. B. Yandell, B. T. Quinlivan, D. Popov, C. J. Walsh, and K. E. Zelik, “Human-Exosuit Interfaces Absorb and Return Energy, Reshaping Exosuit to Human Power Flow,” XXVI Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB). 2017. PDF
B. R. Seo, C. Payne, B. Kwee, C. J. Walsh, and D. J. Mooney, “Immuno-regulatory Roles of Cyclic Loading that Promotes Skeletal Muscle Regeneration,” Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting. 2017. PDF
P. Malcolm, et al., “Variability Analysis of Walking with Continuously Increasing Assistance from a Soft Exosuit.The 1st Human Movement Variability Conference. 2016. PDF
Y. Ding, F. A. Panizzolo, I. Galiana, C. Siviy, K. G. Holt, and C. J. Walsh, “Effect of Timing of Hip Extension Assistance with IMU-based Iterative Control during Loaded Walking with a Soft Exosuit,” Dynamic Walking. 2016. Abstract Poster
F. Connolly, C. J. Walsh, and K. Bertoldi, “Using Analytical Modeling to Design Customized Fiber-Reinforced Soft Actuators,” Society of Engineering Science 53rd Annual Technical Meeting. 2016. PDF
E. Rogers, P. Polygerinos, S. Allen, F. A. Panizzolo, C. J. Walsh, and D. P. Holland, “A Quasi-Passive Knee Exoskeleton to Assist During Descent,” International Symposium on Wearable Robotics (WeRob) 2016. 2016. PDF
